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Serving. Creating. Learning.


As a communication studies major, I excel at effectively communicating various types of information. This has become one of my greatest strengths when it comes to collaborating and working in teams. 


Because of my sales career, I am adept at assessing and evaluating specific customer needs. Interacting with people daily and helping them find solutions to their pain points is one of my greatest passions. My problem-solving skills consist of but are not limited to properly organized, efficient and structured solutions. 


My empathetic approach to common and complex scenarios allows me to lean further into customers' needs. I have the upper hand on relevant design methodology and tools like Figma. Most importantly, my sharp skills form a user-focused foundation in my UX design process. 


Improving accessibility, customer satisfaction and loyalty is my main goal, which I plan to achieve through ease of use, functionality, and visual appeal I create in the interactions with a given product. I believe advocating for stakeholders' business goals is just as important as those of users, and accounting for both perspectives is essential in design solutions.

Life Outside of Design

When I am not designing or creating behind the lens (check out my photography page), you can find me leading youth at Real Life Church. My heart for community and supporting the youth drives me to serve. Not only do I enjoy guiding and motivating them to pursue a positive and whole life, but I recognize how impactful mentorship and the ability to have a strong support system has been in my life so I want to pay it forward.


Whether it be engaging in small group discussions or simply enjoying activities and 1:1 conversations, I dedicate myself to serving youth in any way possible. 

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